Cookies Policy
Learn about how we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience and improve our services.
What Are Cookies
A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site.
Cookies have two main purposes: to improve your browsing experience by remembering your actions and preferences, and to help us analyze our website traffic.
By continuing to use our site and services, you are agreeing to the use of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes described in this policy.
If you do not accept the use of cookies and similar technologies, please do not use this site.
How We Use Cookies
We use cookies to help us analyze traffic to the Website.
Cookies help us improve website performance and usability.
They help us make the Website more secure.
Third-party cookies help us use Google Analytics to count, track, and analyze visits to the Website.
This helps us understand how people are using our websites and where we need to make improvements.
These third-party cookies do not specifically identify you.
Security Cookies
We use security cookies to enable and support our security features.
These cookies help us detect malicious activity and violations of our Terms and Conditions.
Security cookies are essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of our website.
They help protect both our users and our services from unauthorized access and potential threats.
Performance and Analytics Cookies
Performance cookies help us learn how well our site performs in different locations.
Analytics cookies help us understand, improve, and research products, features, and services.
These cookies track your interaction with our website when you access it from different devices.
We use this information to optimize your browsing experience and improve our service delivery.
Marketing and Advertising Cookies
We use third-party cookies to improve and personalize our marketing messages.
These cookies help us deliver more relevant communications to you.
They allow us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.
You can control your marketing preferences through your browser settings.
Controlling Cookies
You are always free to delete cookies that are already on your computer through your browser settings.
You can set most browsers to prevent cookies from being added to your computer.
However, blocking cookies may prevent you from using certain features on the Website.
For detailed information about cookie controls, please refer to your browser's privacy settings.
If you have any questions about our Cookies Policy, please contact us at